Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weekend Recap

YMCA Healthy Kids Day

The No Vote, No Grumble booth made a stop at Bishop Museum last Saturday to participate in the YMCA's Healthy Kids Day.  It was a fun filled day and we were able to register 7 people at the event.  Two of the people who registered just became US citizens.  They were so excited to register and were looking forward to participating in the upcoming elections.  It's moments like this that remind us that voting is such a wonderful privilege and shouldn't be taken for granted.  Be excited, get registered if haven't already, and vote!  Your voice does matter!
YMCA Honolulu celebrates YMCA Healthy Kids Day with free family-friendly activities, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. April 17 at the Bishop Museum. Said to be the nation's largest health day for kids and families, YMCA Healthy Kids Day features activities that foster healthy living and is a part of the YMCA's larger efforts to help more kids and families become physically active.
Activities will include Ka-Boom, an obstacle course; kapa making; "balloon blast;" face painting and more. Demonstrations will be given in Zumba, hula, jazz, hip-hop and healthy cooking. Community resources like keiki ID cards, car seat safety information, health screenings, nutrition information and CPR training will be available for all guests.
There will also be a canned goods drive for the Hawai'i Food Bank. Give-aways include snack bags, teddy bears, flying discs and earth-friendly totes.
Admission is free for kama'aina and military families. For more information, call 531-9622 or visit Advertiser
Next stop, Wai'anae Keiki Spring Fest.  We'll see you there...


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