Monday, June 18, 2012

Why Register? Why Vote?

With so much news about corrupt politicians and the influence of money on government decisions, it's easy for people to feel cynicism about our democracy.  Unfortunately, as that cynicism takes hold and people become more disengaged, the easier it becomes for politicians to ignore the public interest.  It's a downward spiral.  By standing up and having our votes counted, we can help to end that spiral.  We can flex our democratic muscles and remind those in government that they do in fact work for us, and that we control whether or not they have that job. 

Register today!  Throughout history, people have fought for the right to decide who represents us in government.  It has been a hard-fought battle, and we should not take their efforts and victories for granted.

No Vote No Grumble is working with other organizations not only to register voters but to educate them on where legislators stand on various issues.  Tell us what issues matter to you.  Once we get the candidates to state their positions on these issues, we'll get back to you with their responses.

Be Registered!  Be Informed!  Be a Voter!


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